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BayWISS-Kolleg Life Sciences and Green Technologies www.baywiss.de

Research Projects Life Sciences and Green Technologies

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PhD Projects

Consumers’ evaluation of plastic packaging for food and possibilities for its reduction

Most household packaging is connected to food.

The research project’s objective is to investigate the awareness of the problem, consumer assessments and consumer behaviour when dealing with plastic packaging in the food industry, as well as to measure consumer acceptance of more sustainable packaging solutions at the Point of Sale in stationary food retailing.

The realisation and implementation of sustainable packaging alternatives largely depends on consumer behaviour since their purchase decision plays an important role. It is unclear, however, what importance consumers attach to packaging when making sustainable purchasing decisions in food retailing. Does the type of packaging play a major role in (ecologically motivated) purchasing decisions, and is the consumer perhaps even willing to pay a surcharge or to accept a visual/haptic impairment for more environmentally friendly packaging?

Against this background, the role of packaging in (sustainably implied) purchasing decisions, awareness and knowledge about packaging and acceptance of more sustainable packaging alternatives for food are to be analysed with the help of a questionnaire and a real laboratory. Field experiments in the framework of the real laboratory additionally serve to evaluate packaging solutions newly developed by the Fraunhofer IVV, and to test for their practicability and consumer acceptance.



Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences:
M. Sc. Pia Drechsel

Pia Drechsel

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor: Business Administrations (B. A.), Steinbeis School of Management and Innovation Berlin

Master: Economic Psychology (M. Sc.), FOM University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg



Simon, J., Drechsel, P., Kracklauer, A. H. (2019): Zielgruppensegmentierung für den Online-Lebensmittelhandel: Eine Benefit-Segmentierung der Lebensmittelkunden; Sales Manager - Fachmagazin für marktorientierte Unternehmensführung 4 (1), S. 16 - 22.


Award: Dr.-Ivo-Holzinger-Preis


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Life Sciences and Green Technologies

Dr. Ute Nazet

Dr. Ute Nazet

Koordinatorin BayWISS - Verbundkolleg Life Sciences und Grüne Technologien

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Am Staudengarten 7 | Gebäude H7
85354 Freising

Telephone: +49 8161 714530